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Ironman Training Update – 4 weeks to go!

Things are going very well in my lead up to competing in Ironman Canada in 4 short weeks. I must say I am a little surprised how well my body is holding up compared to my marathon training in the spring and the amount of hours I am putting in these days.

I find it funny that my weight is the lowest I can remember and I am eating more than ever. It seems that if I am not feeding every two hours there is a hole in my stomach. I was just looking back at my training log for July and to answer the question I get asked the most here is what I have been averaging each week.

Swim: 5.12 km
Bike: 313.5 km
Run: 62.5 km

For the month of July I totaled 6.5 hours swimming, 43 hours biking and 21 hours running. When I add in my core workouts and stretching that all comes out to over 20 hours a week spent training in July.

I am thrilled to report I currently have NO nagging injuries (knock knock) which has been my greatest fear, next to being hit by a car on my bike. My marathon training was so hard on my body I remember the week before the race in May I found running 5 km painful.

As I start thinking about my race plan for pacing and eating I find the level of nervousness increasing. I can’t imagine what I am going to be like race week. I was explaining to Alexandra this week that this Ironman is my Olympics, my Everest, my Final Exam…. I have never wanted to do anything in my life so bad for so long (17 years!). Sure there may be other Ironmans in my future but there will never be a first.

After a big weekend of training (300 km biking, 38 km running) I think I will take it easy this week as I lead up to the St. John’s Triathlon this coming Sunday.

I hope to see many of you at the race on Sunday.

Tell next time: LiveMore!
