Shawn Stratton works with organizations to strengthen leadership skills that translate into powerful teams. Founder of the LiveMore Group, an organization that helps people maximize their potential and productivity, Shawn has designed presentations and retreats for both small businesses and large corporations, offering teams of all sizes the inspiration and tools to flourish in this unpredictable, exciting economic environment.

Why I Almost Cried Over Spilled Hot Chocolate
(Note – this is a 2016 summer addition ‘best of the best’ blog from the past.) The other day, I was getting some banana chocolate (see recipe below), for my kids 2 & 4 y/o. It was a treat. We just got home from a cold evening of soccer games and I thought I would give them a little treat to warm up before going to bed. Giving them the treat I also thought they may be a little better behaved for me going to bed instead of putting up with their usual antics. Soccer goes a little late and always puts me into rush mode to get them to bed at a close to reasonable time, which never happens. They were excited for the hot chocolate and the fact they could drink it out of the big kids’ cup, not the usual sippy cups. As I passed the cup to Trinity (the 2 y/o) I looked her in the eye and said “now be careful not to drop it”. Being 2, she is pretty good at dropping cups with liquid in it. I walked back in the kitchen to pour my own hot chocolate and not 5 seconds later I hear the cup hit the floor followed by uh oh. Rushing back to the table, I see her cup on the floor with the hot chocolate sprayed across the floor, on three chairs and halfway up two walls. I don’t even know how it got that far up the wall. For that moment and for the next 10 minutes while I cleaned, my world had caved in on me....Never Be Too Busy Again
By Shawn Stratton | Follow him on Twitter (Note – this is a 2016 summer addition ‘best of the best’ blog from the past.) You’ve heard the expressions “I’m so busy,” “I’m too busy to do that,” or “I just can’t find the time …” I believe that these phrases have caused an epidemic of excuses in our society. It has become a sign of prestige to say how busy you are when someone asks, “How are things?” When was the last time you answered that question with “Things are pretty slow right now” or “Fantastic, I’m spending my time on things most important to me”? The reality is you are never too busy to do anything. You spend our time on what seems to be the most important thing to you right now. Think about the last time you told someone you were too busy to do something. I’m willing to bet you weren’t too busy at all; you just placed a lower priority on the task you were talking about than the one that was filling your time. An honest response would have been, “I’m sorry but that isn’t a high priority for me right now and I have other tasks that are more important to me taking up my time.” That brings us to the priority list. A priority list allows you to rank the importance of the tasks, which fill your time. I love writing these lists (and thinking about them even more) and ranking them so that I always know what I should be doing with my time. You are what you did today. (Tweet...Irritable Desk Syndrome
(Note – this is a 2016 summer addition ‘best of the best’ blog from the past.) Clearing out the clutter in your head starts with cleaning up your office. Look around your office are there any empty dishes, paper to be sorted, 10 old posted notes, files on the floor because your desk space is already full? How can you expect to think clearly if your work space isn’t clear? There are actual health and psychological benefits of a clean, uncluttered desk and there is even a name for it: Irritable Desk Syndrome As stated on the SixWise.com website “IDS is caused by working long hours at a cluttered desk, often with poor posture. The combination can lead to both physical and mental symptoms, including chronic pain, and loss of productivity.” I would encourage you to take 10 minutes before each working day to do a little tidy up; you will feel much better and may even be more productive. Until next week… Embrace the Adventure Shawn Shawn Stratton is an international leadership and team building consultant, professional speaker, bestselling author and Ironman competitor. Click here to learn more about how Shawn can help your organization. © 2016 Shawn Stratton. All rights...
Shawn Stratton, Leadership Motivational Speaker and Consultant
“His use of story telling, humor and photography delivered a powerful message on the importance of finding our true passion as an indicator of success. ” -Ian Shortall read more